Prairie Ranger Photography Blog bio picture

Welcome to Prairie Ranger Photography's Blog!

Sean is an Artist and Self-taught photographer who is ever changing and growing.
Focused on female portraiture, fitness and commercial photography in the business side of things, but also pursuing Fine Art Figure and Creative types of photography in both Digital and Analog mediums. With a love for light and a heart for the dramatic, both of these qualities show and continue to grow in his work.


Just Jeans

This is fun project last year that took inspiration from the 90’s jeans ads at the time which were pushing the envelope but by today’s standard it is standard fair.

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by sean

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April 12, 2015 - 10:02 am Richard Trostem - The railroad track photo is outstanding.

April 7, 2015 - 6:33 am Just Jeans session » Prairie Ranger Photography Blog - […] two ladies had seen some of this ongoing project from last year and asked to participate. Here is some behind the scenes video  and the final pictures from their […]

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