Prairie Ranger Photography Blog bio picture

Welcome to Prairie Ranger Photography's Blog!

Sean is an Artist and Self-taught photographer who is ever changing and growing.
Focused on female portraiture, fitness and commercial photography in the business side of things, but also pursuing Fine Art Figure and Creative types of photography in both Digital and Analog mediums. With a love for light and a heart for the dramatic, both of these qualities show and continue to grow in his work.



Added a few more shots to my on going inked project in-spite not having enough time to chase down more this past year, I look forward to seeing who I meet this year and see what I can add to the project.


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by sean

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January 8, 2014 - 9:10 am Spaceman Spiff - These photos are brilliantly photographed and the subjects are obviously well-chosen (and I applaud their willingness to participate in this), but, like all art, all of these photos invoke mixed feelings. I can't help but wonder why people would subject their bodies to displaying such large and permanent displays. The human form, in its original "factory setting," is a wonderful, beautiful thing (as you've illustrated elsewhere on this site). It makes me a bit sad to know that there are so many folks out there who are willing to allow their bodies to become displays for artwork when, in actuality, their bodis are the artwork.

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