Prairie Ranger Photography Blog bio picture

Welcome to Prairie Ranger Photography's Blog!

Sean is an Artist and Self-taught photographer who is ever changing and growing.
Focused on female portraiture, fitness and commercial photography in the business side of things, but also pursuing Fine Art Figure and Creative types of photography in both Digital and Analog mediums. With a love for light and a heart for the dramatic, both of these qualities show and continue to grow in his work.



Warning this blog post has nudity, if this offends you please do not open. This was another test start for a Fine Art project I got in this fall which I am calling Anonymous. The point of the nude work I do is not specifically about the person as it is the form and how it interacts in its surroundings, either being in contrast to or complementary to it. I saw an image from a European photographer where they had used a hat to block the face of the model creating a bit of mystery around the model but then letting the rest of the scene draw you in, and that is what I used for inspiration. The first 3 shots are done on Black and White Film, yes I said film! I made a shift back this summer to shooting film for my fine art projects which has been rewarding. I would like to thank my model for trusting my vision and creating these beautiful images. I will ask that you are respectful of the model and not tag or comment on it by using their name if you happen to recognize them, if the model wants to be recognized she will do so in her own way.

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by sean

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