Prairie Ranger Photography Blog bio picture

Welcome to Prairie Ranger Photography's Blog!

Sean is an Artist and Self-taught photographer who is ever changing and growing.
Focused on female portraiture, fitness and commercial photography in the business side of things, but also pursuing Fine Art Figure and Creative types of photography in both Digital and Analog mediums. With a love for light and a heart for the dramatic, both of these qualities show and continue to grow in his work.


Cassy’s Portrait Session

Here is another one of my Winter portrait sessions and once again mother nature was being difficult as it was a cool -21C for our session. Cassy was hoping it was going to be snowing at least as she wanting that more classic snow falling look but of course mother nature stopped the snow about an hour before our session. However that earlier snowfall left the tree branches full of snow so we improvised with some surprising results. All I can say as I have amazing clients even if they have just been covered in an avalanche of snow.


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by sean

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