Prairie Ranger Photography Blog bio picture

Welcome to Prairie Ranger Photography's Blog!

Sean is an Artist and Self-taught photographer who is ever changing and growing.
Focused on female portraiture, fitness and commercial photography in the business side of things, but also pursuing Fine Art Figure and Creative types of photography in both Digital and Analog mediums. With a love for light and a heart for the dramatic, both of these qualities show and continue to grow in his work.


East vs West Nude

Here is another category from this years East vs West Project if you are offended by nudity or under the age of 18 then go no further.

This is the Nude category which in our public vote at the West gala received the second highest amount of votes, which for me was a great surprise and honour.  I was a little worried how it would be taken as people tend to react negatively to the word nude without giving it a second thought, but being able to show that it can be done in a tasteful and beautiful manner I think might have changed some peoples perception a little.








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by sean

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November 20, 2011 - 11:37 pm Joanne - Love them! Very tastefully done! Great job, as usual! :)

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